CK Cattle Herd Sires

CK John Wayne Z 061C

311B – CK Gunsmoke 311B

CK Josey Wales 026B

141B- CK McClintock 141B

023B- CK John Wayne Z 023B
AAA# 18058824

064B- CK John Wayne Z 064B

Gazda Jet Stream 206 of 407

CK Hoover Dam 156A AAA# 17755192

CK F1 FRIGGIO 363Z ASA# 2728530

CK-BPP Y4 595A ASA# 2853580

CK-Y443 722A ASA# 2853628

CK Final Answer 026A AAA#17755032
CK Dakota 558Y PCA ACA 364983 ASA 9821192 Dakota has been used extensively in our herd with 98 calves in 2 calf crops. Dakota brings to our herd the best of RDD genetics through his Grandsire, RDD New Direction 1436R, owned by Dennis Clarahan of Harper, Iowa. He was used only on heifers the first year, but we used him on cows naturally this past year. He ranks in top 1% in Calving Ease, Birth Weight, and Milk EPD while in the top 5% in Docility and Marbling. He is also siring the most solid bulls for us in terms of feet and bone structure.
CK John Wayne 141U, AAA 16341081 John Wayne 141U is our first Pathfinder sire, as he currently has 5 or more of his daughters in production that have achieved Pathinder status. He is a low birth weight, moderate framed, structurally sound, slick haired bull with explosive growth at weaning. He currently is the #3 angus bull in the breed for the $W index (as of spring 2017). His daughters have been our most productive cow group, and his sons are the kind that every cow man wants. We have used several sons and grandsons in our herd as his curve bending attributes and adaptability to our deep south environment are hard to overlook. We could probably say he is the most influential Angus bull we have ever raised.
CEF Ribeye 887X 2CA ACA 359215 ASA 9760112 This bull is suitably named he had the largest ribeye at yearling we have recorded and his .99 ribeye EPD ranks in the top 3% in the ASA database. He is also well balanced in multiple traits. His daughters are nice uddered and attractive.
CK S920 998U PCA ACA 341757 ASA 9758066 998U is a son of the 920S bull that we sold to Hugh Byrd and Alan Magee of Mississippi. He is a well-balanced bull both phenotypically and performance wise. His first daughters are in production now and they are more moderate than his sire’s and will allow us to keep this line productive in our herd.
CK Motivator 961T PCA ACA 336128 ASA 9758060 961T is a bull we used extensively due to his outcross genetics for my herd. He has Willow Oak genetics on sire and dam side. His progeny combine performance and type and we have used several of his sons in our program.
CK 802P 920S 2CA ACA 327368 ASA 9750877 This is another bull out of a CEF Priester daughter as was Pathfinder. This bull was a standout performance wise and was bigger framed than Pathfinder. This bull’s progeny were the slickest hided and probably more terminal minded, but the daughters were the big milk producers.
CK Pathfinder 919R 2CA ACA 321047 ASA 9750821 When you have a 10 yr old bull still being used in your program, he is a good one. This bull come close to being the perfect Chiangus bull. Low birth weight with performance along with the classic Chi look and daughters with picture perfect udders and great dispositions. There is Pathfinders sons selling in our 2015 sale and calves hitting the ground now at CK.
CK Venture 799P 2CA ACA 312508 ASA 2609524 This is a son of 500M that was used longer in our herd than 500M due to lower birth weights. He was used on heifers for many years. He was a 2nd generation Chiangus but had 2 grandsires that were proven Angus AI sires. His dam was by Future Direction and his sons and daughters have been sale toppers and proven producers.
CK Venture 500M 1CA ACA 296292 ASA 9749367 Another herd sire by an Angus bull, VF Venture Forward, that lowered our % Chi, but did not sacrifice performance. His progeny were deep, easy keeping with great dispositions and milk production. He was used extensively for several years and produced several sons that were used in our herd.
CK Plowboy 289L 1CA ACA 294595 ASA 9749283 This is the herd sire bred at CK Cattle that we retained and used extensively. He was sire by the Angus performance sire, Plowman 1627 of Millbrae SAR, out a Chiangus cow sired by BC Grand Total going back on the maternal side to the Graham Eurotia cow. The CK cowherd at that time was a higher % Chianina and Plowboy brought it down to where our herd is now. He exhibited the performance and depth of Angus with the muscle and type of the Chianina very well.